Thousands of people participate annually in our educational monthly webinar series taught by leading herbal practitioners. Our webinars provide up-to-date clinical resources and have become the gold standard for reliable herbal information. All of our monthly webinars are offered free live to the public, with recordings archived and available for AHG members.
Advertising in an AHG webinar is a great way to connect with future customers who are interested in your offerings.
Here are some stats:
• Your logo will reach over 20,000 AHG newsletter subscribers
• Links to our webinars are widely circulated on social media outlets, drawing in many first-time attendees and AHG non-members
• Many of our live-streamed webinars reach over 1,000 herbalist and student registrants
• AHG webinar recordings are watched by up to 2,500 AHG members throughout the year
Purchase your webinar ad today! We offer three different opportunities for webinar advertising:
One Year Full Webinar Series: Monthly Livestreamed Webinars - Introductory Price $650 • Your informational slide will be featured during the introduction of each monthly live webinar • Your informational slide will be featured in the recorded webinar archive • Your logo will be featured on our AHG Webinars for Herbalists homepage and on our webinar specific promotional emails. • Your company will recieve verbal recognition at each monthly webinar for a year
Individual Webinar Ad - Introductory Price $100 • Your informational slide featured during the introduction of your chosen monthly webinar • Your informational slide featured in the recorded webinar archive • Your logo will be featured on the individual promotional webpage for your chosen webinar • Your logo will be featured on all webinar specific mailings associated with your chosen webinar • Verbal recognition during your chosen webinar
Four Week Advanced Webinar Intensive Series - Introductory Price $250
• Reach a target audience of advanced practitioners
• Your informational slide featured during the introduction for each of the four live webinars
• Your informational slide featured in the recorded webinar archive
• Your logo will be featured on the individual promotional webpage for your chosen intensive webinar series
• Your logo on all webinar specific mailings associated with your chosen intensive webinar series
• Verbal recognition during each of the four sessions of your chosen intensive webinar series
Disclaimer: The views, information, and/or opinions expressed during these webinars are solely those of the presenter involved and do not necessarily represent those of the American Herbalists Guild. The American Herbalists Guild is not responsible, and does not verify for accuracy, any of the information contained in these webinars. The primary purpose of these webinars is to educate and inform. These webinars do not replace the need for medical or other professional advice or services.
Advertising in an AHG webinar is a great way to connect with future customers who are interested in your offerings.
Here are some stats:
One Year Full Webinar Series: Monthly Livestreamed Webinars - Introductory Price $650
• Your informational slide will be featured during the introduction of each monthly live webinar
• Your informational slide will be featured in the recorded webinar archive
• Your logo will be featured on our AHG Webinars for Herbalists homepage and on our webinar specific promotional emails.
• Your company will recieve verbal recognition at each monthly webinar for a year
Individual Webinar Ad - Introductory Price $100
• Your informational slide featured during the introduction of your chosen monthly webinar
• Your informational slide featured in the recorded webinar archive
• Your logo will be featured on the individual promotional webpage for your chosen webinar
• Your logo will be featured on all webinar specific mailings associated with your chosen webinar
• Verbal recognition during your chosen webinar
Disclaimer: The views, information, and/or opinions expressed during these webinars are solely those of the presenter involved and do not necessarily represent those of the American Herbalists Guild. The American Herbalists Guild is not responsible, and does not verify for accuracy, any of the information contained in these webinars. The primary purpose of these webinars is to educate and inform. These webinars do not replace the need for medical or other professional advice or services.