2024 Call For Speaker Proposals
Call for Speaker Proposals for the 2024 American Herbalists Guild Symposium
It is with great pleasure that we invite all members of the AHG Community to submit proposals to speak at the 2024l AHG Symposium on October 4, 5, and 6, 2024, in Black Mountain, North Carolina, just outside of Asheville.
The success of our Symposium depends on the contributions of our members and others in the herbal community, and we encourage both seasoned and first-time speakers to submit proposals. As preference is given to AHG Registered Herbalists (RH) and AHG members, so we invite you to join now if you are not currently an AHG member.
This year's symposium theme is Herbal Roots and Medicinal Mushrooms, and our Certificate Track focuses on Botanical Support in Aging. We seek proposals that explore our Symposium theme, would be appropriate for the certificate track, and any other topics related to botanical medicine in clinical practice, including those that highlight the use of individual medicinal roots and mushrooms drawn from clinical practice.
The Symposium venue, the Blue Ridge Assembly, is surrounded by lush cove forests where many of our most cherished native medicinal herbs are abundant. We hope to offer many plant walks, so please consider submitting a plant walk proposal if you are familiar with the herbs of this region.
We'd also like to offer classes that are interactive and technology-free. These sessions should focus on hands-on activities, sensual engagement with plants, and interactive learning. If you have an idea for a proposal that meets these criteria, we'd love to see it!
When you submit your proposal, please indicate the intended audience - general, intermediate, or advanced-level attendees.
You may submit up to three proposals. The deadline for submitting your proposal is Friday, March 15, 2024. Scroll down to the bottom of this email for complete details about Symposium proposals. You will be notified by April 22, 2024, about the status of your proposal.
Please note that if you presented at the 2023 AHG Symposium, you are not eligible to contribute again this year unless your topic relates to extensive research or clinical experience addressing the theme of this year's Symposium, Herbal Roots & Medicinal Mushrooms and the Certificate Track, Botanical Support in Aging. All 2023 Symposium speakers will receive an email with details about how to purchase discounted Symposium tickets in early summer.
We look forward to including a range of creative and diverse topics in our program again this year, and we hope you'll share your expertise by submitting a proposal.
Questions? Please send us an email.
We look forward to seeing you in October,
Patricia Kyritsi Howell, RH(AHG)
Coordinator, 2024 AHG Symposium Working Group
AHG Symposium 2024 Submission Guidelines
The deadline for submitting all proposals is Friday, March 15, 2024. We cannot consider proposals received after this date.
All Symposium sessions are 1.5 hours long, including plant walks.
Compensation: An honorarium of $250 for each session presented and a complimentary ticket to the AHG Symposium. Speakers are responsible for the cost of lodging and any other expenses, including transportation and meals. If your proposal is selected, you will receive more details outlining your compensation package.
All Symposium speakers receive:
One ticket for your guest at 25% discount (Registration will open mid-June)
A 25% discount on any level Sponsorship (except Platinum).
Opportunity to sell your books or products and share information about your work at the Speaker Showcase at the Symposium and following your class.
Your name, photo, and bio on the Symposium website with a link to your website, and your name on the event flyer and Symposium invitation.
Recognition in the AHG Symposium Newsletter and on the AHG Facebook and Instagram posts.
Discounted price for 2025 Symposium ticket (to be held in Black Mtn, NC. Date: TBD)
Our Criteria for Selecting Symposium Proposals
All proposal topics are scored on one or more of these criteria.
Presents specific tools or skills for clinical herbalists or herbal practitioners.
Presents approaches that are not commonly available in print or other sources.
Content is grounded in traditional practices, scientific research, or the presenter's clinical experience.
Supports AHG's Mission, Vision, and Values:
Herbalism as a viable profession with ethics, competency, diversity, and freedom of practice that supports increased access to clinical herbalism for all.
Diversity in clinical practice that validates traditional herbal practices conforms with modern science-based phytotherapy and honors the relationship between individuals, environmental health, and plant sustainability.
How to Submit Your Proposal
You may submit up to three proposals using our online submission form. Submit your proposal here.
Proposals are reviewed and rated by an ad hoc Speaker Selection Committee. This committee includes six AHG members representatives of our diverse membership. Proposals are rated using a rubric that considers the scope and applicability of proposal topics to the practice of herbal medicine.
After you submit your proposal, you should receive an automatic response confirming receipt. Please get in touch with us if you do not receive a confirmation email within three days of submitting your proposal.
We will notify you of the status of your proposal by April 22, 2024.