2024 Symposium Classes and Speakers


If you're interested in herbalism, the 2024 Annual AHG Symposium is not to be missed. It's not just another symposium; it's an opportunity to be truly inspired and learn from the best herbalists in the United States and Canada.

With a diverse range of 32 classes, four plant walks, four in-depth sessions, a field trip and a full day dedicated to the intriguing world of mushrooms led by top mycologists, the 2024 Annual AHG Symposium promises to be an engaging and immersive experience. You'll have the unique opportunity to learn from the latest scientific studies and time-honored healing traditions and actively participate in workshops and plant walks.

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: A Foreigner in His Own Country: Insights and Perspectives on Herbalism after Two Decades Abroad with Dr. Thomas Avery Garran

Friday, October 4, 2024, 8:00 PM (Eastern Time)

After nearly two decades of living in China, immersed in Chinese medicine's clinical and scientific research branches, Dr. Garran returns home to the United States as a changed, if not older, man. His observations shed light on the differences and deficiencies of herbal medicine in the United States compared to those of China as he inspires us with his insights on the future of herbalism. 


Friday, October 4, 2024, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Eastern Time)

In addition to the weekend Symposium, we offer five Pre-Symposium Intensives on Friday, October 4th. These three-hour classes offer an in-depth exploration of a variety of topics. Two Pre-Symposium Intensives, Tracing Roots and Healing Wounds: Africa's Botanical Heritage in North American Herbalism with Lyani Powers and A Critical Look at Herb-Drug Interactions with Kevin Spelman are available as part of the Online Symposium and may be accessed live and as recordings. Learn more here.


Monday, October 7, 2023, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Eastern Time)

Medicinal Mushroom: Updates and Inspiration for Herbalists with Christopher Hobbs, Ph.D. and Robert Rogers RH(AHG). Embark on a fascinating journey through the world of fungi with two renowned mushroom experts, Dr. Christopher Hobbs, Ph.D. and Robert Rogers, RH(AHG). Their extensive knowledge and experience make this a unique opportunity to delve into the realm of mushrooms! 

Explore the health benefits of popular medicinal mushroom species in this comprehensive class. Based on traditional use and current research, we’ll explore how these mushrooms, including reishi, turkey tail, lion's mane, chaga, shiitake, and others, can transform your diet into a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein, and microbiome-supporting pre-biotic fiber, these mushrooms offer a range of benefits, including immune regulation, anti-inflammatory activity, and more. Attendance at this session is required to earn a Botanical Support in Aging Certificate. For details, click here.

CERTIFICATE TRACK: Botanical Support in Aging

Attend designated Symposium classes that address the use of botanicals in aging and the Post-Symposium Intensive to earn your certificate in Botanical Support in Aging. Learn more about the Certificate Track here.


Can't join us in person? No worries. The Virtual Symposium gives you access to eight select classes accessible via livestream on Saturday and Sunday, or as recordings you may access for one year. Two Pre-Symposium Sessions and the Post-Symposium Intensive are also available livestreamed or as recordings, learn more here.


AHG does not confer CE credits to Symposium attendees, however, we are happy to supply you with a certificate of attendance that you may present to your licensing organization. Attendance at Symposium also counts towards required educational hours needed to apply for Registered Herbalist membership in AHG. Contact us for details.