AHG Chapters bring herbal communities together to share their love of herbs, and to provide support for the important work of clinical herbalism all over the country. Each chapter is unique, reflecting the needs and interests of their community. Check this list to see if there is chapter in your area. When contacting chapters, keep in mind that they are kept afloat by volunteer efforts so it may be a week or longer before you receive a reply.
As Chapters are a pivotal part of our growth, we are so excited to share Chapter Accomplishments of 2023!
Georgia Chapter is getting back in action! They'll be having a Botanical Garden meeting in July and are excited to be growing!
Florida West Coast Chapter had an amazingly successful Herb Day that was well received by the community. They have LOTS MORE coming this year!
No chapter in your geographical area or area of interest? Why not start one! Local and Interest chapters operate under the non-profit umbrella of the American Herbalists Guild to further the organization’s mission.Here are the Guidelines for starting a chapter, helping you see where to begin in forming/brainstorming a new chapter!
We are a group who has come together sharing a passion for herbs. We have varying levels of experience but all wish to further our Herbal knowledge, support one another in our Botanical endeavors and reach out to the community in this regard. Check out our website and Facebook page (below) for updates on education, community outreach, social events, and business resources. Come join us for a class, herb walk, or other event. We'd love for you to join our family as well. Please visit us on https://www.memberplanet.com/coloradoahgFor questions or to join, contact us at chrislewismh@protonmail.com. We are committed “to provide opportunities for developing and sustaining competent clinical herbalists...”
Our chapter in Florida is a collective of learning, sharing, and creating. We have several meetings each year along with workshops, lectures, plant walks, and Herb Day!!! Please find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WestCoastFLAHG/.
Georgia (Atlanta)
One of AHG’s oldest chapters has been meeting since 1998 to increase awareness about medicinal herbs and herbalism. Activities include monthly gatherings, plant walks and workshops about all things herbal. We currently have 80 people on our membership list with a core of 30 highly active members. We are an open, informal, and friendly group that welcomes members and non-members at our monthly meetings and gatherings. Meetings are held the third Sunday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens in metro Atlanta. No meeting in November and a special Holiday Party in December.
Herbal Research Chapter
This group serves as a platform to educate, discuss, and share ideas pertaining to herbal research, study design, and clinical use. There is NO requirement of education/skill level - just a healthy dose of curiosity, willingness to learn, and openness! We engage in discussions about current research of herbal medicines, review published studies, and conceptualize future research that incorporates herbalist and alternative methods of assessment, diagnosis and treatment.
The Herbal Business chapter is for anyone interested in starting or continuing to develop an herbal business. Do you have a clinical practice, sell herbal products, farm herbs, run an herb school, or aspire to do so? This group is for you. We are not limited by region. If you would like to join us for community, support, and to give and ask advice, check out our Facebook group: AHG Herbal Business Chapter. Our group's philosophy is Community Not Competition - we believe that we are stronger when we support one another. We ask that you join us in making this group a supportive community where everyone can thrive! Contact: Katja Swift: katja@commonwealthherbs.com or Noelle Wood: wood.noelle@gmail.com
Herb Nerds of Nebraska
Herb Nerds of Nebraska are people looking to connect and learn more about herbs and herbalism with an interest in integrating what they have learned in their everyday life and community. For more information or to join, contact us at HerbNerdsofNE@gmail.com or find us on Facebook.
The American Herbalist Guild Louisiana Chapter was founded in 2019 by herbalists in New Orleans with a desire to encourage plant literacy, support access to herbal medicine, and to promote a high level of professionalism and education in the study and practice of therapeutic herbalism. Our chapter encompasses the entire state of Louisiana, however our regular monthly meetings are held in New Orleans. If you’re interested in hosting a meeting in your area, or starting your own local chapter, please email the AHG Chapter Coordinator, Ruth Glass, at chapters@americanherbalistguild.com
Maine White Pine
At the Maine White Pine Chapter of the AHG we embrace and welcome all to our gatherings. We are an open, diverse and multi-generational group of practicing herbalists, growers, apothecaries and wildcrafters. We gather to share and expand our knowledge of the traditional and modern uses of herbs as medicine. We are also dedicated to supporting plant sustainability and to promote ecological awareness of threats to their native habitats. We are grateful for all those attending and greet them with open hearts and minds. We would also like to mention we welcome fellow Herbalists from neighboring states to join our gatherings and events if they would like. To be added to our mailing list, or to contact us for any information pertaining to our chapter and activities, please send an email to us at whitepinesecretary@gmail.com
New Hampshire Herbal Network
We are a group of New Hampshire-based herbalists, herbal businesses, herb growers, and herb enthusiasts who seek to educate the public and ourselves, share ideas and information, and support herbalism in our state. We host several public free meetings throughout the year, host the annual Herb & Garden Day (including a plant sale), and sometimes run other special workshops or events throughout the year. We are active with an interactive google group (email us to be added), general mailing list, website, Facebook, Instagram and on YouTube. Learn more at nhherbalnetwork.org to get connected or by emailing nhherbalnetwork@gmail.com
New Jersey, North
The North New Jersey Chapter meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The meetings are in-person at Herbally Yours in Changewater, NJ (which is located in Warren County just outside the town of Washington, NJ). Our meetings are opened to individuals who have a minimum of 2 years of formal herbal education, or the equivalent. Meetings include discussions on specific topics and case histories, presentations by individual members, and herb walks to visit the plants. For details, contact Jennifer O’Hagan at woodlandnaturals@embarqmail.com or Kerry Adams at kadams@herbally.net .
New York - Lower Hudson Valley
The Lower Hudson Valley Chapter warmly welcomes everyone to our gatherings and events; AHG members and non-members alike. Our chapter is a diverse group of herbalists, students of plant medicine, plant growers, responsible wildcrafters, formulators and product makers, as well as those simply interested in learning more about plants and the many gifts they offer.
We believe herbal medicine is the medicine of the people. As outspoken advocates of using plants both respectfully and sustainably, part of our mission is to educate our members and the community at large about the need for nurturing, preserving and cultivating local, native medicinal species.
Our meetings and events take place 4-6 times a year at a variety of locations in Rockland and Westchester counties in New York, and Bergen County in New Jersey. They are friendly gatherings during which we share knowledge, ideas, resources and experiences, ranging from hands on workshops, discussions, explorations, hikes and walks to field trips and casual potlucks.
The Long Island Chapter of the AHG covers all of Nassau and Suffolk counties. We meet once a month, rotating between Sea Cliff, Oyster Bay and Smithtown. Our focus is on herbal education and outreach. We also have frequent activities offered by our members in their professional capacities. All are welcome and we look forward to your participation! For details, meeting times and dates, or to be added to our email list, please contact Diane at LongIsland.AHG@gmail.com, visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LongIslandAHG/
North Carolina
The North Carolina Mountain Chapter (NCMC) of the AHG is currently inactive. The NCMC was established to serve the “mountain” region of North Carolina, roughly defined as a 2 hour driving radius from the Asheville area. We are an eclectic group of herbalists with a common interest in increasing and promoting the appreciation and knowledge of herbal medicine within our community. We seek to promote an open exchange of herbal knowledge, synergy, and to nurture fellowship and sense of community among herbalists. Our chapter emails is ncmc.ahg@gmail.com. For those interested in helping restart the NCMC Chapter and possibly serving as an officer please contact Chapter President, Marc Sawyer at (828) 545-1394. Green Blessings!
Ohio (Southern Ohio)
See the Western Pennsylvania listing below.
Pennsylvania (Western Pennsylvania/Ohio Region)
The chapter meets on a monthly basis during the growing season at venues offered by our members and by e-conferencing during winter months. Our focus is on supporting each other as we explore and expand our knowledge of local medicinal botanicals. For details contact Christine Cassella (theselightfootsteps@gmail.com) or Leslie Alexander (Leslie.Alexander@gmail.com).
We are a group of herbalists and herb enthusiasts working to create a vibrant and inclusive green community in the state of Tennessee. Our chapter sponsors herb identification walks, educational events, guest speakers and more, with the majority of gatherings taking place in the Middle Tennessee area at this time. Our vision is to grow a sense of community and relationship between the plant world and ourselves, closing the gap, and offer an opportunity for interested folks to gather and learn together. Whether you are a beginner or advanced practitioner of herbalism, we welcome you and invite your participation. For more information, please follow us onFacebook andInstagramand check out our website [https://tnahg.com/] where you’ll find our events calendar. Join us today!
What Are AHG Chapters?
AHG Chapters bring herbal communities together to share their love of herbs, and to provide support for the important work of clinical herbalism all over the country. Each chapter is unique, reflecting the needs and interests of their community. Check this list to see if there is chapter in your area. When contacting chapters, keep in mind that they are kept afloat by volunteer efforts so it may be a week or longer before you receive a reply.
As Chapters are a pivotal part of our growth, we are so excited to share Chapter Accomplishments of 2023!
Georgia Chapter is getting back in action! They'll be having a Botanical Garden meeting in July and are excited to be growing!
Florida West Coast Chapter had an amazingly successful Herb Day that was well received by the community. They have LOTS MORE coming this year!
South New Jersey Chapter is revamping and has a new Facebook page! https://www.facebook.
Lower Hudson Valley Chapter had a wonderful Solstice Celebration and are planning on working with local gardens in the near future!
Have some accomplishments & wins from your chapter you want to share? We want to celebrate with you!
Email Sabrena: chapters@americanherbalistsguild.com
No chapter in your geographical area or area of interest? Why not start one! Local and Interest chapters operate under the non-profit umbrella of the American Herbalists Guild to further the organization’s mission. Here are the Guidelines for starting a chapter, helping you see where to begin in forming/brainstorming a new chapter!
Find the Official AHG Chapter Events Calendar here!
Please contact chapters@americanherbalistsguild.com with any additional questions.
We are a group who has come together sharing a passion for herbs. We have varying levels of experience but all wish to further our Herbal knowledge, support one another in our Botanical endeavors and reach out to the community in this regard. Check out our website and Facebook page (below) for updates on education, community outreach, social events, and business resources. Come join us for a class, herb walk, or other event. We'd love for you to join our family as well. Please visit us on https://www.memberplanet.com/coloradoahg For questions or to join, contact us at chrislewismh@protonmail.com. We are committed “to provide opportunities for developing and sustaining competent clinical herbalists...”
Our chapter in Florida is a collective of learning, sharing, and creating. We have several meetings each year along with workshops, lectures, plant walks, and Herb Day!!! Please find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WestCoastFLAHG/.
Georgia (Atlanta)
One of AHG’s oldest chapters has been meeting since 1998 to increase awareness about medicinal herbs and herbalism. Activities include monthly gatherings, plant walks and workshops about all things herbal. We currently have 80 people on our membership list with a core of 30 highly active members. We are an open, informal, and friendly group that welcomes members and non-members at our monthly meetings and gatherings. Meetings are held the third Sunday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens in metro Atlanta. No meeting in November and a special Holiday Party in December.
Herbal Research Chapter
This group serves as a platform to educate, discuss, and share ideas pertaining to herbal research, study design, and clinical use. There is NO requirement of education/skill level - just a healthy dose of curiosity, willingness to learn, and openness! We engage in discussions about current research of herbal medicines, review published studies, and conceptualize future research that incorporates herbalist and alternative methods of assessment, diagnosis and treatment.
For more information, contact Anne Weiland at weilandanne@yahoo.com, or visit Herbal Research Chapter of AHG Facebook Group
Herbal Business Chapter
The Herbal Business chapter is for anyone interested in starting or continuing to develop an herbal business. Do you have a clinical practice, sell herbal products, farm herbs, run an herb school, or aspire to do so? This group is for you. We are not limited by region. If you would like to join us for community, support, and to give and ask advice, check out our Facebook group: AHG Herbal Business Chapter. Our group's philosophy is Community Not Competition - we believe that we are stronger when we support one another. We ask that you join us in making this group a supportive community where everyone can thrive! Contact: Katja Swift: katja@commonwealthherbs.com or Noelle Wood: wood.noelle@gmail.com
Herb Nerds of Nebraska
Herb Nerds of Nebraska are people looking to connect and learn more about herbs and herbalism with an interest in integrating what they have learned in their everyday life and community. For more information or to join, contact us at HerbNerdsofNE@gmail.com or find us on Facebook.
The American Herbalist Guild Louisiana Chapter was founded in 2019 by herbalists in New Orleans with a desire to encourage plant literacy, support access to herbal medicine, and to promote a high level of professionalism and education in the study and practice of therapeutic herbalism. Our chapter encompasses the entire state of Louisiana, however our regular monthly meetings are held in New Orleans. If you’re interested in hosting a meeting in your area, or starting your own local chapter, please email the AHG Chapter Coordinator, Ruth Glass, at chapters@americanherbalistguild.com
Maine White Pine
At the Maine White Pine Chapter of the AHG we embrace and welcome all to our gatherings. We are an open, diverse and multi-generational group of practicing herbalists, growers, apothecaries and wildcrafters. We gather to share and expand our knowledge of the traditional and modern uses of herbs as medicine. We are also dedicated to supporting plant sustainability and to promote ecological awareness of threats to their native habitats. We are grateful for all those attending and greet them with open hearts and minds. We would also like to mention we welcome fellow Herbalists from neighboring states to join our gatherings and events if they would like. To be added to our mailing list, or to contact us for any information pertaining to our chapter and activities, please send an email to us at whitepinesecretary@gmail.com
New Hampshire Herbal Network
We are a group of New Hampshire-based herbalists, herbal businesses, herb growers, and herb enthusiasts who seek to educate the public and ourselves, share ideas and information, and support herbalism in our state. We host several public free meetings throughout the year, host the annual Herb & Garden Day (including a plant sale), and sometimes run other special workshops or events throughout the year. We are active with an interactive google group (email us to be added), general mailing list, website, Facebook, Instagram and on YouTube. Learn more at nhherbalnetwork.org to get connected or by emailing nhherbalnetwork@gmail.com
New Jersey, North
The North New Jersey Chapter meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The meetings are in-person at Herbally Yours in Changewater, NJ (which is located in Warren County just outside the town of Washington, NJ). Our meetings are opened to individuals who have a minimum of 2 years of formal herbal education, or the equivalent. Meetings include discussions on specific topics and case histories, presentations by individual members, and herb walks to visit the plants. For details, contact Jennifer O’Hagan at woodlandnaturals@embarqmail.com or Kerry Adams at kadams@herbally.net .
New York - Lower Hudson Valley
The Lower Hudson Valley Chapter warmly welcomes everyone to our gatherings and events; AHG members and non-members alike. Our chapter is a diverse group of herbalists, students of plant medicine, plant growers, responsible wildcrafters, formulators and product makers, as well as those simply interested in learning more about plants and the many gifts they offer.
We believe herbal medicine is the medicine of the people. As outspoken advocates of using plants both respectfully and sustainably, part of our mission is to educate our members and the community at large about the need for nurturing, preserving and cultivating local, native medicinal species.
Our meetings and events take place 4-6 times a year at a variety of locations in Rockland and Westchester counties in New York, and Bergen County in New Jersey. They are friendly gatherings during which we share knowledge, ideas, resources and experiences, ranging from hands on workshops, discussions, explorations, hikes and walks to field trips and casual potlucks.
For further information, please contact: lowerhudsonvalley.ahg@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lowerhudsonvalleychapterAHG/
New York (Long Island)
The Long Island Chapter of the AHG covers all of Nassau and Suffolk counties. We meet once a month, rotating between Sea Cliff, Oyster Bay and Smithtown. Our focus is on herbal education and outreach. We also have frequent activities offered by our members in their professional capacities. All are welcome and we look forward to your participation! For details, meeting times and dates, or to be added to our email list, please contact Diane at LongIsland.AHG@gmail.com, visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LongIslandAHG/
North Carolina
The North Carolina Mountain Chapter (NCMC) of the AHG is currently inactive. The NCMC was established to serve the “mountain” region of North Carolina, roughly defined as a 2 hour driving radius from the Asheville area. We are an eclectic group of herbalists with a common interest in increasing and promoting the appreciation and knowledge of herbal medicine within our community. We seek to promote an open exchange of herbal knowledge, synergy, and to nurture fellowship and sense of community among herbalists. Our chapter emails is ncmc.ahg@gmail.com. For those interested in helping restart the NCMC Chapter and possibly serving as an officer please contact Chapter President, Marc Sawyer at (828) 545-1394. Green Blessings!
Ohio (Southern Ohio)
See the Western Pennsylvania listing below.
Pennsylvania (Western Pennsylvania/Ohio Region)
The chapter meets on a monthly basis during the growing season at venues offered by our members and by e-conferencing during winter months. Our focus is on supporting each other as we explore and expand our knowledge of local medicinal botanicals. For details contact Christine Cassella (theselightfootsteps@gmail.com) or Leslie Alexander (Leslie.Alexander@gmail.com).
We are a group of herbalists and herb enthusiasts working to create a vibrant and inclusive green community in the state of Tennessee. Our chapter sponsors herb identification walks, educational events, guest speakers and more, with the majority of gatherings taking place in the Middle Tennessee area at this time. Our vision is to grow a sense of community and relationship between the plant world and ourselves, closing the gap, and offer an opportunity for interested folks to gather and learn together. Whether you are a beginner or advanced practitioner of herbalism, we welcome you and invite your participation. For more information, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check out our website [https://tnahg.com/] where you’ll find our events calendar. Join us today!