School Member Benefits

Welcome to the AHG community! We are pleased to offer the following benefits to our school members.

Scroll down to see the School Member FAQ for more resources and for information on how to maximize your school member benefits. Also remember to take advantage of the exclusive retail discounts for members. 



Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the School Directory? Why is my listing important?

The #1 most visited page on our site is our AHG Member School Directory! Your listing in this trusted database is often the first step in prospective students from our global audience finding and enrolling in the educational institution they seek. Get your school's information out in front of those potential students who are seeking reliable herbal knowledge. Gain valuable exposure and engage student interest via this searchable directory, which allows plenty of room for you to highlight your most popular course offerings and certifications.

2. How do I edit my School Directory listing? 
  • Log in to your School account
  • Go to the School Directory
  • Locate your school by searching the name
  • Click 'Edit this profile'.
  • You will see new checkboxes. Please check those that are relevant to your School, as well as review your description. We now have a 1500 character limit. If your School listing exceeded this limit, it will be cut off, so please review your listing. 
3. How do I enroll my complimentary Student member?

Provide vocational support and limitless educational resources to one of your most outstanding students! All AHG Member Schools have the advantage of enrolling one student of their choosing in a complimentary AHG general membership, a $70 value. The process for enrolling your free student member is simple- email office@americanherbalistsguild with your student's name and email address and we will get them set up.

4. What is the Bulk Student Enrollment Program?

Our Bulk Student Enrollment Program, exclusively for Member Schools, makes offering students professional support easy and cost-effective. School membership adds significant value to your educational offerings and boosts your school's reach. Member Schools enjoy the benefit of enrolling their students in AHG membership for a discounted rate of only $40/year per student, instead of the standard AHG Student Membership of $60/year. It's a win-win for students and schools! Sign us up! Visit the Bulk Student Enrollment page to learn more about this exciting opportunity!

5. What is the AHG Educational Student Anthology? 

This project is a digital collection of educational resources from AHG Member Schools. This is a wonderful opportunity for your school to be featured and to share your contributions. 

6. How do I contribute to the AHG Educational Student Anthology? 

Please consider participating by submitting a PDF of your favorite course handout to Your handout can be colorful – the more color, the better! In your email submission, please include a copy of your logo and your preferred contact information (social media handles, website, email address).  Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about submission. 

7. How do I advertise in the AHG Educational Student Anthology? 

We are offering quarter page ads (3.5" wide x 4.7" tall) for $150, but if you submit a handout, then the cost is $100.  If you are interested, please email us at

8. What is an AHG sponsorship?  

Sponsorship of AHG at any level provides a wealth of benefits to our valued sponsors. AHG sponsorship platforms your school in our digital and printed content all year round as well as at the annual AHG Symposium. School members may take advantage of $100 off sponsorship at all levels, making sponsorship accessible and hassle-free. Check out more information on sponsorship here

9. How do I redeem my School sponsor discount? 

School Members can easily redeem their $100 school sponsorship discount by using the coupon code SCHOOLSPONSOR. Payment plans and custom benefit packages are available, so no matter what the sponsorship needs and capacity of your school are, we can work together to find a good fit. Looking for customized sponsorship advice from our dedicated staff? Contact us at