Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find herbalists in my area?

We have a directory of Registered Herbalists here . You can narrow down by country and state.

How do I become a Registered Herbalist?

If you are interested in becoming a Registered Herbalist with AHG, please read these guidelines here.  There is not an exam, but there is a fairly thorough application process which is fully online. We recommend checking out our instructional video on the process.
Click here for Suggested Education Guidelines
Click here for RH Membership Criteria
Click here for more about Application Process
Click here for Documenting Independent Study


For new Registered Herbalists or those that applied, check out the Registered Herbalist Style Guide linked at the bottom of this page!


How do I become an herbalist?

We recommend reading our Herbal Education FAQ page found here

We also have a directory of schools here where you can search for schools in your state, as well as online and onsite programs.

You may also want to check out the public webinar, So You Want to Be an Herbalist 
There are multiple paths to becoming an herbalist, so I encourage you to take the time to explore your options, and to choose the path that resonates with you.

I’m looking for an accredited school approved by the AHG

No school is either accredited or approved by the AHG. The AHG is not an accrediting body nor does it evaluate any herbal school or training program. We do maintain a Directory of Herbal Education that includes herb schools and programs that have paid to be listed. Each school has its own unique educational approach and herbal focus. You can search for programs in a particular geographic area as well as for onsite and distance learning programs.

Using the AHG Suggested Education Guidelines, carefully examine the curricula that you are considering while keeping your personal and professional goals in mind. 

We also recommend reading our Herbal Education FAQs

Legal/ regulatory questions

We have a legal and regulatory FAQ page here


Is it safe for me to use this herb?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide that information, however we have many Registered Herbalists through our organization that are qualified to help you.

On our website, we have a directory of all of our Registered Herbalists. These herbalists may be located by state.
Click here.

How do I access my purchased webinars?

All purchased webinars can be found through Thinkific, a separate website which uses a separate log-in from your AHG membership. Click here. Below you will find a PDF with instructions as well.